Comments on: 4 Brilliant Ways To Turbo-Boost Your Laundry Routine Trusted Cleaning Advice Since 2009 Mon, 22 May 2023 16:42:42 +0000 hourly 1 By: Nancy Tiskus Thu, 07 Nov 2019 13:03:42 +0000 I bought new curtains that I cant get the wrinkles out of-suggestions??

By: Devah Wed, 02 Mar 2016 19:10:16 +0000 I keep a bottle of pre-treater in the kitchen. I pre-treat tablecloths while still on the table. It’s so much easier. Then I remove the cloth and put in laundry. I wipe down the table to remove the laundry stuff. Ta da!

By: Leann Mon, 07 Dec 2015 19:43:21 +0000 I’m not 100% with you on using too much detergent. At one time I used the tumble machines at the Laundromat.
When I complained to the assistant that there were no suds, believing that a faulty machine was directing soap
somewhere other than into the tub; she told me the washer wasn’t broken — that my load was eating up the soap.
I found out she was right; when doing a heavy load of dirty undies of all sorts,
I had to double up on detergent, until I successfully produced some suds to clean with.
I’m happy to say I have no more laundry problems, since buying laundry magnets: never buy detergent again,
don’t need several rinse cycles to clear residue, moldy washcloths (his) and sour hand towels are history.
(The last time I tried to wring his ‘rag’, I couldn’t; it was like rubber from body wash, I guess. Now, clean.)
P.S.: While I hate that your uTube screen won’t change the entire page, so I can read and copy the info;
The comment system works great! It prints my message perfectly — all others only ruin it completely. Thanks.

By: Leann Mon, 07 Dec 2015 19:17:45 +0000 In reply to anne dibattista.

Hi Anne! I personally like Dawn — BUT, after the BP oil spill (5 yr. ago?), the reporters revealed
that they used an illegal, banned, high toxic ingredient that made people very sick if they came
within several feet of the ocean. I got laundry magnets — which last forever — worth the price;
and, I love Miracle II soap. I first used it while recovering from the flu. Just showering with it
stripped the black mold from the shower floor. I couldn’t believe it!. It effectively degreases
my fine, thick hair — and, it’s the only product that doesn’t burn my bottom while showering.

By: anne dibattista Sat, 06 Jun 2015 01:30:19 +0000 I have wonders about Dawn dish soap, but for some reason my skin and it do NOT get along. I break out in blisters where ever the soap has touched. For anyone in the same spot I am in, your other brands work, but I would get the kind that doesn’t have the extra anti – bacterial stuff (it doesn’t work as well). I have been pretreating with Lemon Joy for 20+ years now… my mother taught me way back when. Keep up the great job and helpful tips…. I am learning so much. Thank you

By: Mary Sat, 14 Mar 2015 19:05:30 +0000 One thing to remember is this: If you are leaving the house, never leave the dryer running. Homes have been known to burn down just from doing this simple thing. Fire departments warn people about this all the time. I hired a company to come out and turbo vacuum the lint out of my dryer and outside hose which was relatively new but if it had been older, I would have had it changed to a new one. People also frequently forget to go outside to the dryer exhaust fins and clean them off once or twice a year. If you are staying home the suggestion is a good one but if not, please wait till evening to dry the clothes.

By: carol Fri, 13 Mar 2015 13:57:24 +0000 WHERE can you buy the original Dawn? There’s Ultra, Premium, etc etc.

By: Sue323 Wed, 21 Jan 2015 14:58:45 +0000 Hi.Love…love… your videos.Have a question…My husband’s formal shirts have stains of deodrant and sweat at the underarm area…..what can I do to get rid of them permanently as the shirts are in great condition except for these stains???!!…Please help

By: Ashley Fri, 09 Jan 2015 18:28:42 +0000 In reply to Rose.

Dawn is actually a liquid dish soap detergent! It’s the one that always advertises saving baby ducks/otters/penguins from oil spills. It looks like this:

You can find it at your general grocery store usually.

By: Denise Wed, 07 Jan 2015 04:14:27 +0000 I really enjoy your tips. You have inspired me to clean up my act, around the house that is (hehe). I have started doing one task an evening. I have also gotten cleaning my guest bath down to about 10 min. Keep the tips coming!!!!

By: Trisha Henderson Fri, 02 Jan 2015 15:37:33 +0000 I think you are amazing …Thanks to your advice I’m going to start putting a load of laundry in first thing in the morning…plus I want you to know I cleaned out my closet the way you said …took everything out …I felt really good about it …but it took a long time for me cuz I have so much stuff…you have been a big help to me..see you next video …I love your videos

By: Rose Thu, 01 Jan 2015 10:54:13 +0000 What is dawn? Is it a laundry detergent or window cleaner?
